Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chamorro Hao...Na Metgot Hao...Fino Figo

Chamorro painting done by Noel B. Quitugua

Spondylus donated by Joe Guzman.

Under-belly of the same spondylus.

Sinahi after being bound and beaded with orange spondylus shells.

Same Kalang at a different angle.

Full frontal of the Sinahi/Kalang...notice the galaide at the lower left hand corner.

Saina Ma'ase ginen as FIGO


  1. Was that spondylus shell anciently drilled? Is it an artifact?

  2. Yes it is che'lu, this, according to the donor and my personal observation. That is one of the reasons I posted it. Thank you for enjoying the pics.

    Saina Ma'ase
